ChEEER Annual Meeting
ASEEES Virtual Convention
Thursday, Dec. 2, 2021
An intimate and lively meeting of the Childhood in Eastern Europe, Eurasia, and Russia Working Group met via Zoom for our annual meeting, the first since 2019.
Introduction of members
- ChEEER-sponsored roundtable on Friday, 12/3; reminder to self-nominate for ChEEER sponsorship at ASEEES 2022 Convention
- perhaps a lightning-round on current/future work might be a good idea for 2022?
- recognition of publications and book awards
- increased number of panels at ASEEES relating to childhood was noted
- discussion of collaboration opportunities
- encouragement to post on our FB page (work, projects, etc.)
- distribution of handouts listing upcoming CFPs and conferences of interest to scholars working on childhood/children/youth
- discussion about encouraging presentation at conferences where our region is usually underrepresented
- distribution of bibliography for 2020-2021 & additions needed to it
- if any member is interested in organizing upcoming bibliographies/CFPs, please contact Anastasia or Julie
New Business
- ChEEER Book Talks
- a proposal to sponsor virtual book talks during the year for new authors was met with great enthusiasm
- a suggested target is 5x/year
- format: 20-25 minutes for author talk/20 minutes Q&A with a moderator
- proposal to include dissertations as “books” was enthusiastically agreed upon
- Olga will help with promotion & make sure ASEEES knows we are hosting these
- some suggestion that Area Studies Centers might sponsor them?
- perhaps we can record & post on social media for those unable to attend
- if any member is interested in organizing Book/Diss Talks, please let us know!
- anyone who has a recent publication or dissertation and would like to do a talk, please let us know as well!
- a proposal to sponsor virtual book talks during the year for new authors was met with great enthusiasm
- ChEEER Twitter Account
- a proposal to add another social media channel to ChEEER was approved
- the purpose of the account is: 1.) to promote the work of ChEEER members; 2.) to recruit new members to our working group; 3.) to advertise events of interest to our member (or events by our members for wider public)
- we have in mind a member to ask to manage an account
- a proposal to add another social media channel to ChEEER was approved
We encourage members to do two things in the upcoming year:
1.) Publish short blog posts on our ASEEEES Commons page (address: – the page remains underutilized.
2.) consider serving as a co-executive officer of ChEEER. It will be healthy for the organization to rotate officers regularly; if someone would like to replace Julie and work with Anastasia, please let us know! Anastasia represents the literature and film contingent, so ideally a co-executive would represent a different discipline. Please let Anastasia or Julie know if you are interested! We’d love to talk with you.
Respectfully submitted by moderators Julie deGraffenried & Anastasia Kostetskaya